ACCESS to Hanshan Normal University (HNU)
1. By train: Get off at Chaozhou Station, from Chaozhou Station to Hanshan Normal University (HNU), you can take No. 13, No. 1 bus to get off at the gate of HNU.2. By plane: Take the airport bus from Jieyang Chaoshan Airport to Chaozhou Hotel, then transfer to bus No. 1 or No. 8 and get off at the gate of HNU.
3. By high-speed rail: After arriving at Chaoshan high-speed Rail station, you can take the shuttle bus (to Tiepu or Guantang direction) to get off at the gate of HNU. It will take about one hour by shuttle bus from Chaoshan high-speed Rail station to HNU. The shuttle bus leaves every half an hour.
In Chinese:
1、乘坐火车: 到潮州站下车,从潮州站到韩山师范学院,可乘坐13路、1路公共汽车在韩山师院校门口站下车。
2、乘坐飞机: 在揭阳潮汕机场乘坐机场大巴到潮州宾馆后转乘坐1路、8路公共汽车在韩山师院校门口站下车。
4、自驾车: 经深汕高速至潮州收费站下高速后往左,沿S335省道往潮州方向一直行驶(约10公里),到东山路与凤东路交叉口后继续往左走东山路,约一公里后到韩师;经普揭高速至揭阳云路站下高速后往右,沿S335省道往潮州方向一直行驶,到潮州枫溪车头十字路口,向右转入枫春路直走——经过潮州市政府门口——南堤路——向右过韩江大桥——进入东山路——约500米后到韩山师范学院东区校门。
5、乘坐高铁: 到达潮汕高铁站后,可乘坐往市区专线车(往铁铺或官塘方向)至韩山师范学院校门口下,约半小时一班,车程约1小时。